Rebekka Axthelm
Professor of mathematics at the University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz, Germany
In 2007, she received her doctoral degree in mathematics from the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg. Her research interests is in modelling and numerical computation of differential equations. The field of applications cover many areas, one of which is pedestrian movement. She has been working on the macroscopic modelling of pedestrian flows as a continuum since 2012. The underlying programme pFlow was developed and implemented by her. The further development to eFlow includes the additional compenent of infection propagation.
Matthias Schmid
Lecturer of physics and mathematics at the University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland
In 2007, he received his doctoral degree in theoretical physics from ETH Zurich. His research interests are in multiphysics modeling, theoretical physics and computational physics. Current applications include photoelectrochemical cells and thermoelectric converters. In the project, he is responsible for the physical modeling of the pedestrian dynamics, i.e. the formulation of the eikonal equation and the coupling of different physical models.
Doris Bohnet
Professor of mathematics at the University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz, Germany
She received her doctoral degree in mathematics from the University of Hamburg in 2012. Her research interest is in dynamical systems (discrete, continuous, probabilistic) and applications of mathematical methods to engineering, mainly thermodynamics. In the project, she is part of the modeling team and develops (probabilistic) models for non-evacuation scenarios of pedestrians coupled with epidemic models.
Walter Ritter
Scientific Assistant at the Institute of User Centered Technologies at the University of Applied Sciences in Dornbirn, Austria.
He holds a university degree in iTec and a professional degree as electrical engineer. His research is about human computer interaction, physical computing, mobile computing and user experience. In the project, he assists with the measurement technologies and the measurements itself.
Guido Kempter
Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Dornbirn (FHV), Austria, and director of the research institute of User Centered Technologies at the FHV.
In 1993, he received his doctoral degree in psychology at the university of Duisburg, and later is habilitation from the same university. His research interests center on health experience and learning experience design, on the intersection of psychology, technology, health and design. In the project, he is responsible for the measurements of the movements of individual persons.
David Bernhardsgrütter
Scientific Assistant at the Institute of Computational Physics at the University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland
In 2011, he received his master degree in applied mathematics from ETH Zurich, and in 2014, a master of education in mathematics from the University of Zurich. His main research intereset is the numerical simulation in different applications. In the current project, he assists in the physical modeling and comparative simulations and testing with commercial simulation software.